FT563 Hamon Grab
Outstanding performance in both shallow and deep waters
The FT563 Hamon Grab is the recommended sampler for collecting bulk samples of coarse seabed sediment substrates such as sand and gravel, as well as benthic macro-fauna.
With interchangeable sampling buckets available in two sizes (0.1m² or 0.2m²) and modular lead ballast weights, it is ideal for a wide range of marine operations and the user can configure the system as required. Sampling bucket inspection windows and deck stand allow for easy sediment recovery and analysis.
Find out more on the Hamon Grab datasheet, which you can access using the button below. If you have any questions, get in touch with our friendly, experienced team today.
Hamon grabs also available within our rental pool
FT563 Hamon Grab
Product Highlights
- 0.1m² or 0.2m² interchangeable buckets
- Sample depth penetration up to 10cm
- Marine 316 grade stainless steel construction
- Configurable lead ballast weights
- Easy to handle
- Virtually maintenance free
- Stock item
- Available to hire
Bespoke Solutions
Using the latest techniques, we can deliver bespoke solutions for your next subsea challenge. We have designed equipment that has been used on seabed frames, sent downhole, attached to buoys and masts, or towed behind vessels.
Whether the solution requires electrical, electronic, mechanical, hydraulic or simulation techniques, Feritech have the experience and skills to take on any project in the marine industry (or indeed, onshore).
Please contact us to discuss your ideas and to find out more.